Monday, December 19, 2005

Hip hop videos sexploitation

I was watching a special on VH1 about sexism in rap music videos. Which is a fact that can’t really be denied.

The only problem I had was that the show spent to much time on woman that where exploiting themselves. I’m mainly talking about the shows focus on the females that went around and whored themselves to the rappers, clicks, and whatever. It was mainly this woman nicked name Super-head that ruined the special for me, for those that don’t know super-head was a video girl that sleep around with many rappers and their clicks and recently wrote a book about that time in her life. It really hard to feel sorry for someone who willing sleep around with people and then later wrote a book about it.

The special also had the video girls/models talking about the video hoes. The later are the women that will sleep with rappers, clicks or cast directors either because they think that will get them the part or because they just want to get closer to the rapper. This is a problem for the former because there seems to be so many video hoes that the men working on video treat all the women working in the video like the would the ho. Not that the plethora of video hoes is no excuse on the guys part to treat women the way they do.

I sympathies for poor work conductions these women (the video girl/models, not the video hoes) have to go through. Like the woman that said she was trap in a corner by director with his dick out. I felt real bad for her. But these ladies stories where mixed in with the video hoes trying to drum up sympathy with their tails.

Though I favored the video girls/models points there where a few that I had time as seeing as sexism in the hip-hop music video industry. The main one was a few of the women complained about being asked to dance during the casting call. Giving the fact that they are trying to work in a music video and most video have people dancing I would think that it kind of odd that they would get mad when ask to dance. I mean I can understand getting upset if you where asked to dance on a job interview for telemarketing or something but not a music video. I don’t thank that part is sexist maybe the real problem is that when people place ads for video models they should mention if the job is dancing or non-dancing.

Oddly even though this was a type of music video that many of the video girls/models and a director said was the worst, most sexist of all videos. I found that the part of the show when they talked to the women that where in an uncut video seemed just as professional then the video girls (you know not the ones sleeping around). They were all strippers at a club, yet non of them seemed to fall into the video hoe category. They were also the only group that wasn’t screaming about being exploited for sex and yet they may have been the most exploited. It’s not because they showed the most skin and shaked a lot more ass then the other women. But because they said they didn’t get paid.

Maybe it just me but I also think that the uncut video do less harm due to the fact that they are on so late not as many people watch them and more importantly little kids are very unlikely to catch it since they should be asleep.

Speaking about little kids I would have liked if this special went more into the effects of little kids watching music videos. I think that is where the biggest problem in music video sexism lies. Although I think it’s bad that the women working in the videos have to go throw so much crap, I think it’s worse that little girls can develop low self of steam and boys devalue women because of these video (along with a slue of other factors in life and the media).

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