Monday, January 23, 2006

I allways feel like somebodies watching me...or evil Quacker terrorist

So we all know about the recent news that the goverment has been tapping peoples phones with out a warrent.

They said that they were only looking at people that mayhave ties with terrorist but it seems like what that really means is they are spying on anyone that doesn't agree with Bush and his policies (which is why I must add that I love Bush and like thing he is the Messiah or something) .

a few antiwar groups say that they have been spied.

Even the quackers are saying that they are been watched, and Florida congress rep Robert Wexler said "Neither you nor anybody in that (Quaker) church had anything to do with terrorism,"

the mothaf***ing Quakers what are they going to do bomb us with oatmeal? Go WWE on us and whack us with furniture?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

BET animation

Bet is starting an Animations department and will be head Denys Cowan (former comic artist, co-found of Milestone comic and cartoon producer on shows like static shock, boondocks).

cool news it gives up that BET is really trying to turn it self around from being nothing but booty shaking (not that I don't mind booty shaking but calling your sell Black entertainment TV we need more then justs Butts) but there is also a part of me that fears that the new cartoons will be notting but cita like shows.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Oh no New Orleans is going to be a chocolate city

It seems that Ray Nagin's comment about New Orleans will be a chocolate city again in his MLK day speech the other day has made some people upset.

I can understand why he made the comment. Many people worry that people will come in a buy the cheep property and push the poor (i.e. many of the Blacks) out of the city.

some how some people that heard Nagin's comment thank that saying that NO will be Black means he is saying "No whiteys allowed" but if one looks at the histories of the other chocolate cities in this country then you know that they are mostly Black not because anyone actively pushed Whites out. It just when city got a little brown many of the Whites decided to leave town (see Detroit, DC, Watts, etc)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Some seem to be a bit upset due to a break in Alito d!ck riding

I caught only a little bit of the today's Alito hearing.

giving what I say I have to wonder is this true did anyone actually attack Alito with their questions...Hell did anyone even ask him a slightly tuff question?

All I saw was a bunch of senators verbally running train on Alito's jock. And when anyone asked a question someone was quick to message the balls as someone worked the shaft.

Maybe because I was flipping back and forth and missed if anything actually happen did anyone actually ask Alito a challenging question or was this just spin?

and was the question really bad enough that it would make one's wife run away crying. Unless she is a very weak person I can't see, the mere fact he was asked something would upset someone.

Part of me thinks she couldn't hold in the truth and had to run out of the senate before she blurted out he is a bigot (but that is just speculation)

If someone did ask a hard question I'm sad I missed it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

oh yeah thanks

I would like to think DJ Murry's plumping for being the only plumper to say they will come to fix my tub and not give me a long block of time when they may come.

Thanks 2 phils plunping for actualy fixing my faucet.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I have been saved

Alright a plumber finally came, my bathtub is no longer broken...yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I can turn my water on and OFF.

It's funny I got scolded by a plumber I called to cancel since the other guy came. Hey man I know I had your go drive here (though I did try to call before he got to my house) but you have to understand I was since 2:30 dealing with this.

I now return this blog to me talking about weird news, poltics or pop culture, untell the next time I have some junk I need to get of my chest or in a state of panic.

yet another one

Just as I pushed post for my last message another plumber called and said they will make it in about 45 minutes.

Who will get here first and get the job I don't know.

The race is on!

at last a plumber to the rescue

Think god a plumber finally called me back and said they will be here in at least a few hours. I would like him here sooner but at least I finally got a responce.

It doesn't seem like my sink was leaking after all so I started dumping in more water again. though I think I need a bit of a breather. I've been dumping water for about eight hours.

I should be in bed. hurry up Mr. Plumber!
still waiting for a plumber to call back. actually I missed one so I recalled them after I got the message

my tub is near over flowing. I'm not sure if the kitchen sink is leaking to or if I spilt alot of water going in with my bucket.

Some one help me

Fing plumbing 24 hour emergency services

Alright as I type my bathtub faucet wont stop running. I have called a few plumbers to come and fix it (and looking up some more). That is between me getting a bucket of water to dump it into the kitchen sink, due to the fact that bathtub drains slowly and I fear it over flooding. I have been doing this since 3 in the morning I am pooped and am taking this time a much need breather.

What I am not liking about the plumbers that I call is that they say will come in block of time that is so long (and many will only come in one or two hours later if you are lucky).

F Armstrong plumbing and sewer service when I called the lady (and I used the term loosely) hanged up on me when I asked if there was a extra fee if I canceled (I'm calling more then one plumber to see who gets here first) she didn't even take my info yet.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Who wants to die? Elmo, was last Christmas hottest toy

There is an Elmo (a sesame street muppet) potty training book on the market in which Elmo ask the kid pushing one of the sound recorded buttons "who wants to die?" as he laughs. Clearly Elmo is planning on going on a killing binge, I think he was pissed about all those people tickling him.

It seems like only a few of the books have this message (the others just ask "Who want to go?"). Surely this will upset many parents who will call for a recall but the really smart ones will know that there is a secondary market of people twisted enough to want to by the book (like myself actually) and so they will sale their copy on eBay *

*note I have no ideal if this eBay seller really has a copy of the "who wants to die?" elmo I just link to the person with the lowest price at the time (some actually sold their copy for a 100 bucks)

Friday, December 30, 2005

U of M no longer selling coke

The University of Michigan is no longer going to carry coke cola products on it's campus.

the reason is because coke cola has bad labor practices in India and Colombia.

"The student group accused Coca-Cola of draining the water table in India, causing farmers' crops to go dry; distributing bottling plant sludge containing contaminants to Indian farmers as fertilizer; selling products that contain pesticides in India; and conspiring with paramilitary "

Yeah that does sound like some really bad labor practices.

Go Blue

Thursday, December 29, 2005

mtv's Shook Ones: hypermasculinity and stupidity in a year of hip-hop

I was flipping the channels the other day and ran across a special on MTV in which they reviewed this year (2005 for those reading at a later date) in the world of hip-hop.

After watching this I want to give rapper Jim Jones the nomination for the dumbest negro on the air award. Mainly for his comment about wanting to see the day when rapper beef, when two or more rappers talk have a dispute with each other, escalating into people killing each other.

To bad none of the other panel members told him how stupid he was for making that comment. Closes we got was rapper Remy Ma's quick head turn after made the comment.

Doesn't he remember Biggie and Tupac?


a bit later in the show they talked about about comments producer/rapper Kanye West said about rappers should stop bashing gays in their songs and the fact that because he grew up in a single mother house hold he ended up acting a bit more feminine growing up.

These comments brought up more then a bit of anger among Bruce Banner and Jim Jones.

Banner says there are some things you just shouldn't talk about.

while Jim Jones states he is offended about the comment Kanye West saying that because his growing up in a household ran by a woman that he grew up feminine. Mr.Jones Thinks that because he grew up in similar situation and didn't feel he grew a bit feminine that Kanye West experience is bullshit.

Methinks he (Jim Jones) doth protest too much

I'm not really sure what made Jim Jones so angry. Is it the ideal that a boy growing up would take on the mannerism of those adults around him and in a case where one grows up with a father figure it more likely that the boy would pick up characteristic that are thought as as being more feminine then masculine.

It's not that big of a shock, that this sometimes happens. Hell even Tupac (to many a thug he is a god) said that because he grew up with only his mother he took on some feminine mannerism.

or maybe it the misbelief that if a man shows any sings of "feminine" got to be gay.

It could easily be both.

I think that the problem is that people set little boxes on the way they think people should act. So people act the way they think they should act and negatively react to those they see not acting the way they think they should.

When looking in terms of Feminine and Masculine it ends up that most people have a list things they think are manly or girly.

The problem is that real people can't be put into a box. Sure someone may step more into on set of categories then the other. But realistically a person is going to fall into a bit of both.

Those that try to mode themselves into only one box end up being a cartoonish version of whatever they are trying to be. Which now that I think about it maybe the reason why hip-hop may be so hypermasculine and hyperthuggy. It's because it is full of a bunch of people who are not acting like real men but acting like they think a man should act.

and that maybe why when Kanye said he picked a few mannerism from his mom he made Jim Jones so angry. He challenged Jones' ideal of the way a man/boy should act and maybe even challenged the way he acts.

ok that enough crappy pop physiology for today

Monday, December 26, 2005

Victory! The war on Christmas ends

The long fought battle against the evil anti Americans who want to destroy Christmas has finally ended.

Yes yes the long battles that have been going on for the past few months are finally over. No longer do we have to fear the horror and bloodshed that we have all grown to know to well.

Fear ye not, you can now go shopping without fear of being attacked by some overly culturally sensitive person greeting you with a Happy Holidays instead of the correct greeting of Merry Christmas.

I'm still a bit shell shock of all the horrors I've seen this month. I still wake up at nights in horrors of what I have seen and what I had to do in these troubling times.

For example I can still see the face of the elderly man I had to kill after he attacked me in a walmart with his words of happy holidays. Said this poor genital man in the twilight of his life had to end. He probably had a wife or girlfriend just like any of the boys on our side. He'll he may even have had kids or grandkids.

But it's over now. The best thing we can do as a nation is get together and rebuild.

It may take some time before we can become at ease. But for the time being it looks like we will be safe, we saved Christmas form being destoried. The only thing that we might have to worry about is if the Jews and Negros decide to join forces and celebrate their holidays at the same time this year. An axis of unChristmasness if you will.

*for those with low IQs this post is made in jest (that means This is a joke)

Friday, December 23, 2005

Trading Spouses: meet your new insane fundie

I saw this clip for the show trading spouses.

The ideal of the show hasn't appealed to me so I never watched, but I wish I saw this episode. At the very least to see what set this lady off.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Monday, December 19, 2005

Hip hop videos sexploitation

I was watching a special on VH1 about sexism in rap music videos. Which is a fact that can’t really be denied.

The only problem I had was that the show spent to much time on woman that where exploiting themselves. I’m mainly talking about the shows focus on the females that went around and whored themselves to the rappers, clicks, and whatever. It was mainly this woman nicked name Super-head that ruined the special for me, for those that don’t know super-head was a video girl that sleep around with many rappers and their clicks and recently wrote a book about that time in her life. It really hard to feel sorry for someone who willing sleep around with people and then later wrote a book about it.

The special also had the video girls/models talking about the video hoes. The later are the women that will sleep with rappers, clicks or cast directors either because they think that will get them the part or because they just want to get closer to the rapper. This is a problem for the former because there seems to be so many video hoes that the men working on video treat all the women working in the video like the would the ho. Not that the plethora of video hoes is no excuse on the guys part to treat women the way they do.

I sympathies for poor work conductions these women (the video girl/models, not the video hoes) have to go through. Like the woman that said she was trap in a corner by director with his dick out. I felt real bad for her. But these ladies stories where mixed in with the video hoes trying to drum up sympathy with their tails.

Though I favored the video girls/models points there where a few that I had time as seeing as sexism in the hip-hop music video industry. The main one was a few of the women complained about being asked to dance during the casting call. Giving the fact that they are trying to work in a music video and most video have people dancing I would think that it kind of odd that they would get mad when ask to dance. I mean I can understand getting upset if you where asked to dance on a job interview for telemarketing or something but not a music video. I don’t thank that part is sexist maybe the real problem is that when people place ads for video models they should mention if the job is dancing or non-dancing.

Oddly even though this was a type of music video that many of the video girls/models and a director said was the worst, most sexist of all videos. I found that the part of the show when they talked to the women that where in an uncut video seemed just as professional then the video girls (you know not the ones sleeping around). They were all strippers at a club, yet non of them seemed to fall into the video hoe category. They were also the only group that wasn’t screaming about being exploited for sex and yet they may have been the most exploited. It’s not because they showed the most skin and shaked a lot more ass then the other women. But because they said they didn’t get paid.

Maybe it just me but I also think that the uncut video do less harm due to the fact that they are on so late not as many people watch them and more importantly little kids are very unlikely to catch it since they should be asleep.

Speaking about little kids I would have liked if this special went more into the effects of little kids watching music videos. I think that is where the biggest problem in music video sexism lies. Although I think it’s bad that the women working in the videos have to go throw so much crap, I think it’s worse that little girls can develop low self of steam and boys devalue women because of these video (along with a slue of other factors in life and the media).

Friday, December 16, 2005

Ethnic self hate, the quest to reach for White Beauty

The other day I was watching a documentary on AZN about Asian women wanting plastic surgery to make them look more western (ie White).

The basic reason these women gave to why they wanted to change the way they looked is because they want to fit the Westernized standard of beauty. The reason why they want to fit more into the mode of western Whiteness may either be because they have been bombard with the ideal beauty pushed by the media or even because someone or people in there family push it onto them.

As I was watching this I realized that the ideal that the ideal beauty takes on more Caucasian characteristics is something that looms over many people and can have a strong effect on the self image of non-whites.

For example I know from an African American perspective that there have been in the past whole industries of products made to make on look whiter. Any thing form lye used to burn hair straight to skin lighting creams (which I remember reading a few years ago that similar products are being used in Africa). In fact even today there are Blacks who use plastic surgery to change their noises or lips.

And thinking about that something else hit me. Even thought the media mostly pushes whiteness as the standard of beauty it sometimes also absorbs little bits of characteristic of other ethnic groups. So although you get a Black person who want thinner lips, because they want to look more Caucasian, you also have White person want to fuller lips. Something that is more characteristic of people of African descent.

So now I am wondering does this mean that there are going to be a number of non-Asians wanting to look Asian. So as where the women in the doc wanted to get a fold placed in their eyelids to look more western, will there also be a number of people not of Asian descent wanting to get the folds removed from their eyelids so they look a bit more “exotic”.

If this isn’t happening already I would bet that it is only a matter of time that it does.