Friday, May 26, 2006

some of those silly test

You Should Be a Science Fiction Writer

Your ideas are very strange, and people often wonder what planet you're from.
And while you may have some problems being "normal," you'll have no problems writing sci-fi.
Whether it's epic films, important novels, or vivid comics...
Your own little universe could leave an important mark on the world!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

yet another racist middle age guy in the media

This time Bill O'reilly shows his ugly true colors.

On his show he has said things "there is a movement in this country to wipe out 'white privilege." and "According to the lefty zealots, the white Christians who hold power must be swept out by a new multicultural tide, a rainbow coalition, if you will."

Hell F'ing ya we want to wipe out white privilege why should someone get the upper hand just because they are white. It's long time that America is controlled by all Americans and not just one group.

I'm not sure if I should be glad these roaches are showing their true selves for all to see or scared that they have a platform like Fox News to speak out on.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Attack of the middle age racist on the boob tube

So I was watching Keith Olbermann on MSNBC where the host was talking to a guy (I didn’t catch his name or what he does) about Bush’s speech last night. Mainly they where talking about bush’s ideal of sending people to guard the American-Mexican broader.

Olbermann mentioned that a number of people in the reserve happen to be either decedents of illegal immigrants or they themselves may have been illegal immigrants in which it could be an interesting situation. And I’m sure that maybe an issue for a few.

But then Keith Olbermann guest states that it can be a problem because many of the people who will take the job would be those who are either unemployed or under-employed and that would be mostly Blacks and Latinos. This kind of perked my interested because I wonder why he thought it could be a problem, ok like I said maybe a problem for a some Latinos but not all of them and what would be the problem with African American? Then the guy turned around and said at least they aren’t going to be armed.

What the hell! Why is this guy so scared about of a bunch of Blacks and Latinos with guns. What does it matter the ethnic group of those who take the job, they are going to do same thing no matter their race. Should someone tell that guy the numbers of Blacks and Latinos working in fields that would give them access to arms such the military or police? Plus those that use there right to bare arms. I bet he would faint at the ideal that we would all them up and have a race war.

This just tops the fact that last week a guy on Fox News talking about people should go out and make babies because if they (YT) don’t America will be mostly minorities in 25 years. I’m having flashbacks of idiots screaming “we’re losing the country”…shutter.

Because of these two idiots I ask all minorities out there to go out and buys some guns and make some babies. And the White people that want to help out should find a any minority and make babies with them.


Friday, May 12, 2006

Like father like son

He did after trying to do everything is dad did (like have a war in Iraq) Bush now has a 29% rating just like his daddy.

I bet he is happy.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

PS3 price giving Wii still in the dark

So the PS3 is going to cost about $500 to $600 depending on if you want a 20 Gig or 60 gig hard drive for your system.

But Nintendo is still keeping there price a secret only saying that there system is going to "more fun for less". I'm begining to think it's time for the big N to show it's hand on this one but I guess I can understand waiting (why give sony or microsoft the change to cut their prices below yours).

I do think the new xbox and playstation is over double what I would like to pay for a game system but I'm cheapass.

Sound controller

So it seems the Wii (Nintendo up coming game system formally know as the revolution) is going to have a speaker in the controller.

I guess I can see this adding a small level of detail to help make you like your in the game

Monday, May 08, 2006

La lata algunos me contesta porqué teniendo la estrella spangled la bandera en Espanola un problema tan grande

I had my last post translated to Spanish (via Babelfish)

Toda la semana pasada derecha era llena de hablar de la gente (y muchas que eran upset)about la estrella spangled la bandera que era traducida en español. Puesto que los muchos de gente se parecen estar trastornados sobre ella yo tienen que preguntar porqué está un reparto grande. Ahora se parece a mucha gente está actuando como el "Oh ningún es himno de la nación se ha traducido a una diversa lengua, él es el extremo de América." ¿Sé alguna gente dicen que los inmigrantes debe aprender inglés, pero cómo es ésta que lo para forma que aprende hablar inglés? La verdad es él no , en hecho usted podría utilizar el himno traducido y ayudar a utilizarlo para enseñar inglés.

Can some answer me why having the star spangled banner in Espanola such a big problem

All right last week was full of people talking (and many being upset)about the Star Spangled Banner being translated in Spanish.

Since a lot of people seem to be upset about it I have to ask why is it a big deal. Right now it seems to many people are acting like "Oh no are nation anthem has been translated to a different language, it's the end of America."

I know some people say immigrants should learn English, but how is this stopping them form learning to speak English? The truth is it doesn't, in fact you could use the translated anthem and help use it to teach English.

Monday, May 01, 2006

a day with mexicans

Across the nation many illegal immigrants (and their supporters) held marches.

Part of the march was to show how much the American economy depends on their labor by not going to work. Sounds like a good ideal (and it seem to have some effect) but was this the plot of a movie?

makes me wonder how many other big movements can we get started by following movies.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Wii will Will will rock you

So Nintendo revealed the name of their new up and coming game system and it is going to be called Wii.

Truth be told I was kinda liking Revolution but the name doesn't matter what does is the games.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Kanye West comic

Kanye West and famed animator Bill Plympton are working on a manga style comic.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Happy little Trees

so it seems that Bob Ross (the painter that had a show on pbs) is going to have a video game.

Really odd choice for a game, I remember liking watching the show when I was a kid (I like drawing and what not) but I can't say I really want to play this as a game.

Though I may rent it just to see if the game says things like and now to put in some happy little trees

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Nebraska the state time lift behind

The Nebraska government is planning on cutting up the school district in Omaha along state lines. The only thing different this time is that the racial divide is not going to be just Black and White like it was just 50 years ago but between Blacks, Whites, and Latinos. Sorry Asians but I guess your kids don't get to go to school.

See how much we progressed.

I'm not sure what is more stunning the fact that this maybe become law, the fact that this proposal went through or the fact that this ideal came form the only Black member of that state's legislature.

That's right! If your like you where thinking that this ideal came from some old racist white guy wanting to return to the good ol' days where women and darkies knew their place.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO it comes from Ernie Chambers. I don't know if this old man is just gone crazy with age, suffered from brain injury or if he has always been in a slave mentality.

Or maybe he's really Strom Thurmond in Black face

Of course there people who are voicing against this like the 2nd richest man in the world Warren Buffett. So I am sure there will be enough force to stop this from actually happen.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Homeland security pedophile

Department of Homeland Security press secretary Brian Doyle was busted for having sexual contact to what he thought was a 14 year old girl.

Doyle sent the "girl" porn, naked pictures of himself (like a 14 year wants to see a nude 55 year old), and sexually explicit AIM's. Doyle also repeatedly ask the girl to by a webcam so he can see her things a little kid shouldn't be doing.

luckily for all the children in this nation this 14 year old girl was really a Polk County police detective.

Not only is this and the fact that Doyle kept bragging about his job to the girl he thought he was talking to bad enough this article took me a new level of shock (I didn't thing I could pass after reading about sir Doyle) when it stated this is the 2nd Homeland Security official to be caught having improper relations with a minor.


Why don't I remember hearing about the other guy (of course with all the scandals of people in high office these day I guess it's easy to miss one or two).

This really makes me wonder about the office culture of those who work in Homeland Security offices and who are they really protecting because it sure aint are kids.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Student protest for better education get sent to jail

In Detroit MI 32 to kids (all students of Mackenzie High School) where arrested today when they held a protest infront of their school.

The students said they where marching to bring light many of the problems the school has like lack of books, lockers and dirty bathrooms.

Principal Bernard Bonam said "If they really wanted to learn, theyd be in school and not out here"

errr...How the hell are the kids going to learn if they don't have books.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Professor x died

Sad news people, Professor X of the rap group the X-clan died of meningitis.

For those who don't know the X-clan was a ealier 90's rap group that preached Black consciousness in their music.

This was brought to you by the Red, the Black and The Green...and a "you will be missed"

Monday, March 06, 2006

it's hard out here for a pimp

yep if there was one song that I didn't expect to win the oscar it was this.

congrats 3 six mafia.

But now I can see the hollywood streets full of middle age white guys bumping this song in their car stereo and it just doesn't seem right.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The genius of Rob Liefeld

I know I know many people are going to read the title of this post and think WHAT THE HELL! Please don't laugh and please no death threats.

ok you can laugh

I was looking through some of my old comics some time back and decided for some strange reason to flip through a few X-Force comics and some of Liefeld's earlier Image work.

I remember looking these books as a kid but reading those comics 15 years later the only thing I could think was holy crap this is bad. Why the hell did I like these books as a kid.

I know it vague to make fun of Liefeld but giving the fact that he was such a big artist in the early 90's I started to wonder not only why did I like his stuff but why did so many other like it at that time.

I thought about for a second and it became really clear on why He's work may have been so popular.

He tapped into imagination of a large block of that times comic book reading population 12 year old boys.

Rob basically did the same thing that many comic artist and writers have done before him. They took things that kids like/grew up with in other media (films/TV) and putting them in the comics.

In earlier periods it would have been things like thugs that fit in the old mobster/gangster movie motif, ideal taken by cheesy sci-fi and horror movies etc.

As kids growing up in the 80's/90's we where feed a nice media meal full of violence. Movies like Rambo, Robocop, Aliens and Terminator where common films shown on Saturday afternoons where before it kids would have been watching things like old horror, sci-fi, and ganster movies.

Liefeld took the basics of these movies...Guns and Action...And took them to a silly extreme for the little kiddies. So you get things like guns so huge there is no way they can be held by a human.

he basically made the perfect product for kids (mostly boys) of that era.

So why does Rob Liefeld get so much hate to day?

Simple like I said he's products where prefect for kids of that era.

His work wouldn't have much appeal to those fans who where not 12 year old boys in the early 90's because he didn't tap into things they liked in their youth.

next like many things targeting kids once you grow out of that age range those works can drastically loose their appeal. Mainly because they where written for kids and so the reading level is well below that of adults

and finally for those 12 year olds reading comics today...They grow up on a different media diet and so what appealed to the 90's kid wont appeal to them.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Iraq war vet shot down on home shores by the police

In events caught on tape Air Force policeman Elio Carrion was the passenger in a speeding car that crashed into a wall was shot by police on the scene.

The officer told Carrion to get up and when he did the officer shot him and yelled for him not to get up. Witness told the police officer that he just told him to get up.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Homophobs are soooo gay

a test run by Prof. Henry E Adams of University of Georgia shows that 80 percent of those who hold Homophobic beliefs are in fact really attracted to the same sex.

it seems that most homophobs bash gays so much is that they think they will come off as striaght if they put down gays.